Monday 14 December 2015

Picture Quotes That Need To Stop

I've found that my little niche with this blog is relationships (well, singleness) and social media. Not sure how I feel about that, but let's be real, what else is there to talk about? Oh you're married? Keep up the good work. You don't have Facebook? Great! You don't need it. It's stupid (he said, preparing to share this blog all over social media.)

So, single people are really good at using social media to let the world know all about their singleness. It goes together like this blog and cute animals. You can't go a day without a single person posting a saying or sharing a picture quote about relationships (because clearly they're the experts) and if we're honest, most of it is SUPER ANNOYING. So I've compiled a list of the ones that make me want to pull my hair out. Or your hair out. I'm not posting them. Lose YOUR hair. Psh.

Ohhhhh my gosh shut up. Seriously? I'm over here trying to find out how many days after shaving I can have the perfect stubble length for a first date so some girl can eventually find me tolerable enough for Date 2, meanwhile you're over there hoping I can redeem AN ENTIRE GENDER and makeup for every jerk you've ever dated, guys who you probably knew you shouldn't date anyway. But no, it's my fault and I've got to be the savior of all bachelors. Yeah, seems fair. SEEMS SO FAIR.

Um, how about NO Johnny? First of all, you're most famous for being a drunk pirate. Have you ever even been in a rom com? Who made you the Love Guru? Second, this is dumb. You're with someone for years. You're brushing your teeth and they're on the toilet next to you because that's just where life has brought you two. Then some dude shows up and looks nice and says some funny things, you go hang out with your long term BF and he's in sweatpants, and you think you're "in love" with new guy. No. Wrong. You've been with someone for years, meanwhile there's a sea of single people that can't even make it to a third date. Love is the real, dirty, walls-down "this is me at my worst and you love me anyway" kind of love. Not "Oh he's new and cool GIMME." Take THAT Jack Sparrow, ya dunce.

This isn't specifically about relationships, but I bet it's why you're single! This, or anything else involving "haters." Like, who do you think you are that people just sit around watching you and hating on you? What are you doing that's so hate-worthy? "Ugh the way she drinks Starbucks and goes to work and spends time with friends and family I HATE HER SO MUCH!!" Doubt it. Maybe people hate you because you post quotes like this and think you're better than everybody? You think? Maybe?!?

Turns out I already dedicated an entire blog last year to this one. Check it out here. But seriously guys aren't reading these and learning. We know you want us to treat you like a princess, we just don't think you are one so we don't. Not that we can't, we just don't, until we find someone we want to. So be nice. 

LAMEEEEEEEE. What is this, eBay?!? Trying to auction yourself off to the highest bidder? "Oh wow I didn't know they'd be so cute. Guess I want to date them after all!" Oh my goodness stop looking so desperate. If someone says something like this to you in real life and they didn't memorize it off a picture, that's cute. Kiss them. Right on the lippys. But if you're just posting this to try to make everyyyyy person think you're a catch, you're super lame. Also, there should be a PERIOD after "smile" and "know" should start a new sentence. So lame. The lamest, really. You're also probably the person that was complaining about your ex yesterday. Where's that quote, huh? Don't worry I made it for you.

Yeah, share that one so I know it's real. Maybe get off your computer and go be nice to someone if you're such a catch, you little love troll!

Ok I'm done. I hope I only offended the people that already know they need to get their crap together. Love you mean it! Don't be mad. 

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